The roars get louder to “SAVE OUR TIGER

Well, this is a very serious topic for me. I always knew that the tiger population in our country is dwindling fast but around two days back, I got to know that there are barely 1000 tigers in the entire country. I never knew that there was such a strong animal activist in me, but the thought has really, disturbed me a lot. I mean, just the thought that I may never be able to see this gorgeous animal someday scares me! It is one of the most beautiful and majestic animal in the world and even the thought that the extinct because of the carelessness of human beings really bothers me.

I know you might be thinking that although you identify with the cause you do not always know what to do or don’t know how to go about it. Well, even I can relate to this feeling but if you have the will to do something for a cause, you will find out ways and do it.

For starters, you can “SPREAD THE MESSAGE”. All my friends who follow this blog can help by spreading the word to as many people as they can. It won’t take more than five minutes to do so, but it will go a long way to help save the animal.

It is a sincere request to you to spread the word for this cause! Also, if you don’t mind spending about three rupees, you can SMS TIGER to 56388 or visit NDTV.COM and sign the online petition to save the tiger. I don’t know how many people I will be able to reach and convince or how many will take this seriously. Some may even laugh at me while some others might think, “How can my message make any difference?” But believe me, it will. Even if you feel that your message won’t make any difference but the least you can do is TRY. It’s our last chance or else we may lose this wonderful, exotic animal forever.

“Saving one animal

won’t change the World,

But it will change the World

for that one animal”

India has been home to Tigers for a very long time. If one has seen a tiger, you would agree that it is an awe-inspiring beauty, with a powerful aura. Tigers were found across India and still as many as 16 States are proud homes to these wild cats. The latest Government of India census report released on 12th February, 2008 reports that there are only 1411 tigers left. The population of the tigers has been reduced by nearly half and that too in a short period of 6 to 7 years. It is time that emergency and drastic steps are taken to save the pride of the jungle and pride of India from becoming extinct. The causes of the sudden decrease in the tiger population are well known, both by the government and us common people. The increasing pressure on tiger habitats due to agriculture, industrialization and degradation as well as fragmentation of natural habitats, forests and natural grasslands are one of the main reasons for the decrease of tiger population. This encroachment has, for that matter all wildlife in India.

The immediate effect of this is lack of natural food and habitat causes the wild animals to come out of the forest area. This tends to increase the conflicts between the humans and animals. The other reason that contributes negatively is poaching, which has been on rise recently. There is a slogan I have been hearing for quite some time, “If the buying stops, the selling will stop”. I think the rich people who are the only one who can afford buying the skins for their fancies are probably inhuman, as they cannot seem to hear the slogan. Can they not hear the slogan “Save tigers, save our Earth”!

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